What Is Cold Laser Therapy?

Cold laser therapy is low-intensity laser therapy that stimulates healing while using low levels of light. The technique is called “cold” laser therapy because the low levels of light are not enough to heat your body’s tissue.

Although cold laser treatment can be used in different areas of the body. Here are a few examples of areas that are regularly treated by cold laser.
cold laser

Neck and Shoulder Pain

A variety of low level lasers are proven to be effective in reducing and eliminating acute and chronic pain in the neck and shoulder area. Many patients find that this solution is a much more effective and immediate alternative to traditional pain medications. Combined with forms of chiropractors and therapy, cold laser treatment can help patients lead a normal, active, and healthy life without debilitating pain.

Low Back Pain

Did you know that 80 percent of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes. Of those, 60 %are treated with opioids, despite the opioid epidemic and minimum effectiveness (30%) Cold laser showed a 72% success rate in their clinical trial. Cold laser treatment has had groundbreaking results in the pain management community. It gives patients the ability to choose a safer and more effective treatment option that will get them back and active in no time.

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