
Break the Cycle: How To Tackle Stress Headaches


Break the Cycle: How to Tackle Stress Headaches

The Bottom Line

Just today, how many times have you felt “stressed out”? 

Are you already stressed out about a task you have to complete at work or a meeting you have later this week? 

Perhaps a significant work meeting is right around the corner.  

As Austin, Texas’ go-to source for chiropractic care for stress headaches, we comprehend why these circumstances can result in stress headaches, which are a very common symptom.

You may have heard the expression “that’s a headache waiting to happen.”

You have, of course; we’ve all been there.

Additionally, you can unintentionally be preparing yourself for a headache if you frequently clench your jaw or tense your muscles in response to stress.

What triggers this, and how do we stop the stress-headache cycle? 

Let’s explore.

Why it Matters

Our bodies long ago evolved a “fight or flight” response in order to prepare us for the physical dangers that were all too common in the prehistoric environment. 

Our heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and blood supply to our extremities all increase as a result of this response, preparing us for battle or a quick getaway.

We still have this inclination, but the threats we encounter have, um, altered quite a bit. 

As a result, our bodies frequently find it difficult to distinguish between actual danger and mental stress. 

This implies that we might respond to that important work meeting with the same internal reactions as if an ancient predator were pursuing us!

You might be wondering how this relates to headaches. 

Well, if there’s one thing to keep in mind regarding stress, it’s that it can make your illness symptoms worse. 

Headaches and stress are inextricably related.

Periodic headaches are caused by isolated stressful events that only happen occasionally. 

Anxiety, sleep issues, or even relatively modest life changes are typical daily pressures.

On the other hand, continuous everyday stress and a lack of regular exercise are often what cause chronic headaches.

We’ve collected a list of our top stress-reduction advice to assist you better understand how to end the cycle of stress headaches. 

This can be the first action you take to avoid headaches.

How to Break the Stress Headache Cycle

Exercise Regularly

Engaging in regular physical activity can boost your endorphins, lifting your mood and helping you feel happier. 

Moreover, regular exercise can increase your overall energy levels, enabling you to shift your focus away from stressful events or situations.

Get Plenty of Sleep

We can’t emphasize this enough: quality sleep is key to managing and reducing stress headaches. 

Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep each night and maintain a consistent sleep schedule. 

Establishing a regular sleep pattern can contribute to your overall well-being.


When it comes to understanding how to break the stress headache cycle, relaxation is more than just a suggestion. 

It’s important to set aside time specifically for relaxation techniques that can help you stay calm during stressful periods. 

Practices like meditation and yoga can help you achieve both physical and mental relaxation, mitigating the onset of stress and consequently, headaches.

See a Chiropractor

Keeping your spinal joints moving properly can alleviate the strain on your spine and its supporting muscles. 

Chiropractic care can help you relieve pent-up stress in your body and get you feeling better quickly. 

Tension headaches are often triggered when neck and scalp muscles become tense or contract, often due to maintaining the same head position for extended periods. 

Regular chiropractic care can help correct the physical imbalances that lead to tension headaches, helping you move and feel better.

Next Steps

So, does anxiety lead to headaches? Absolutely.

Although there is a direct link between stress and headaches, there are easy and efficient strategies to break this vicious cycle. 

Start by using your preferred relaxation methods for a brief period of time whenever you feel your stress levels beginning to rise.

Don’t forget to focus on important preventative self-care practices like regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sound sleeping habits.

Regular visits to your preferred, reputable chiropractic staff can also be really beneficial.

If you haven’t already tried it and are prepared to learn more about chiropractic therapy in Austin, Texas for tension headaches, we’re here to help. 

Our experienced staff is dedicated to assisting you in maintaining your body’s ease of movement and relaxation. 

In order to live a healthier, happier life, we’ll teach you how to end the cycle of stress headaches and get you the care you require.

Science Sources: 

Sleep and Migraine. Headache. 2018.
Manual Therapy Effect on Tension Headache. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2016.
How Does Stress Impact the Body? Forbes. 2018.
Tension Headache. MedlinePlus. 2023.

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