
Kids and Chiropractic: Overcoming Tech Neck, Improving Posture, and Performing Their Best


Kids and Chiropractic: Overcoming Tech Neck, Improving Posture, and Performing Their Best

Be Smart With Your Smartphone and Look Up! 

Many students will spend hours each day using their digital devices for e-learning in some capacity as education enters the digital age. While technology can be wonderful instruments for amusement and education, all parents should be aware of the negative impacts. E-learning may make it worse for many students’ neck, mid back, and low back pain. 

Your emotional, social, and physical health may be negatively impacted if you spend six or more hours per day gazing down at your digital devices. This forward head posture frequently exerts significant stress on the neck (cervical spine), and can result in an increase in headaches, back and neck pain, among other things. It can also result in the development of “Tech Neck Syndrome.” 

Did you know…

Low back pain is the 3rd most common form of pain interfering with schoolwork.

It’s estimated that 50.3% of school-aged children present with posture disorders.

Approximately 41.6% of children experience back pain from prolonged sitting.

Power Your Child’s Brain with Movement 

Many people once thought that exercise only had physical benefits for health. However, studies have shown that engaging in regular physical activity and movement is good for both the body and the brain. Recent research has shown that exercise can boost the brain’s oxygenation and encourage the growth of new cells. It would seem that movement helps the brain make new connections as well! 

Physical education lessons have been scaled back in several schools. More pupils are turning to online education. Due to these factors, it’s crucial to monitor our kids’ physical activity and to motivate them to exercise more frequently each day. And not simply for their bodily well-being. Daily exercise will certainly improve your child’s academic performance in a variety of ways! The brain releases chemicals that improve cognitive function as you move about.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the benefits of movement: 

  • Better Brain Function – Movement may protect your brain against degenerative changes.
  • Better Stress Reduction – Exercise and movement have been shown to have an antidepressant effect that can help reduce overall stress. 
  • Better Memory – Regular exercise can help directly and indirectly improve recall and reasoning skills.

Next Steps

Ensure simplicity. Encourage your kids to stretch frequently and take pauses. If your child spends a lot of time online and starts to have neck pain or headaches, don’t hesitate to give us a call. These are some of the finest (and simplest) strategies to help them break the poor behaviors leading to “Tech Neck.” 

Our team has experience assessing children and developing care programs that are kid-friendly. Our doors are open, and we’re prepared to assist you in leading the best life possible for you and your family. 

Science Sources

Text Neck Syndrome. Intl Journal of Env Research and Public Health. 2021.

Back Pain in School Children. Dynamic Chiropractic. 1995.

School Children’s Backpacks, Back Pain and Back Pathologies. Arch Dis Child. 2012.

Specialization & Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes. UCONN Health. 2017.

Learning Upregulates Neurotrophic Factor. Behavioral Neuroscience. 2019.

The Anti-Depressant Effect of Running. Intl Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2005.

Regular Exercise Changes the Brain. Harvard Health Publishing. 2014.

How Exercise Affects Your Brain. Scientific American. 2018.

Assessment of Stresses in the Cervical Spine Caused by Posture. Surg Tech Intl. 2014.

Text Neck Syndrome. Intl Journal of Env Research and Public Health. 2021.

Three Steps to Build a Better Back. Harvard Health Publishing. 2015.

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