
Try These 3 Chiropractor-Approved Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress


Bottom Line:

Everyone has acquaintances who have seasonal illness each year (see more below for tips for reducing holiday stress).

Do they merely have bad luck?

Well, while it probably would have helped if someone had shared some tips for reducing holiday stress like those we’re about to share with you (insert *fake cough*)…

Fortunately, luck has nothing to do with it!

Our bodies are built to be strong and healthy, and research suggests that maintaining our health may depend most on the daily decisions we make.

Why it Matters:

Making wise everyday decisions equates to reducing daily stress and maintaining health.

Keep that in mind if you’re looking for a stress management program at a wellness facility in Austin, Texas.

This reasoning underpins the most dependable and efficient advice for lowering holiday stress.

Consider this.

Every day, our bodies must deal with the challenges we put them under—chemical, physical, and emotional—in order to safeguard and preserve our health.

This includes the things we put into and do with our bodies, as well as any adjustments we make to our routines in response to stressful circumstances.

Each has a vital role.

Our Top 3 Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress This Year

Your brain and body work in unison to communicate with each other constantly as you age, heal, and go through the various stages of life.

Given that, here are 3 things you can do right now to improve your health as we approach the new year.

  1. Daily Movement: Exercise is an essential way to keep your mind and body fit over the holidays.
  2. Mental Moments: Each day, set aside time to pause, decompress and count your blessings.
  3. Portion Planning: Try to plan and balance your meals so you give yourself the best shot at avoiding any extra empty calories or foods that may lead to added inflammation. 

We’ll be the first to confess that our list of suggestions for lowering holiday stress may seem quite apparent at first sight. After all, you’ve probably heard these suggestions again.

When we first met them in our office, many who have come to us in search of a wellness center stress management program in Austin, Texas, have stated as much.

And perhaps that’s the reason why so many of us prefer to overlook them or otherwise neglect these important components of our own self-care.

Let’s add a “bow” to that list to emphasize how important each item is.

“Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.”

The first step in establishing those everyday routines that support your excellent health is to give priority to your body’s extraordinary intrinsic capacity to adapt, alter, and recover.

Next steps: 

This Christmas season, being healthy is definitely doable.

Your daily routine and decisions can either increase or decrease your body’s capacity to function and feel its best.

Take a few minutes each day to be proactive with your healthy habits because they will have a big impact on your wellbeing. This includes your nutrition, daily exercise, and self-care routines.

These strategies for decreasing holiday stress—and really all stress—are excellent places to start. Manage your daily worries with them.

And if you require assistance…

If you’ve been looking for a stress management program at a wellness facility in Austin, Texas

We sincerely hope you’ll call.

We are here for you and are always just a call or click away from you!

Science Sources: 

Stress Management. Mayo Clinic. 2021.

Stress and Susceptibility to the Common Cold. N Engl J Med. 1991.

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