
Why are Opioids so Dangerous?


Why are opioids so dangerous?

Over 200 million prescriptions for opioids are reportedly written every year. Chronic pain has fueled an epidemic that has resulted from this use and abuse. Opioids temporarily mask pain by binding to brain receptors and elevating pleasurable emotions. Unfortunately, they have no effect on promoting healing, which creates a cycle of pain, medication, and worse agony. There is a better approach to get relief, which is fantastic news. 

Opioids belong to the same drug class as heroin, and some opioid drugs may even be more addictive than heroin. They have a high cost for the brief relief they provide. Opioids may cause lightheadedness or sleepiness at lower doses. Your breathing and heart rate may decrease down to dangerously low levels at higher doses. However, the 30% addiction rate of opioids is their most hazardous side effect. 

– Opioids bind to the receptions in your nervous system that block pain and produce intense euphoria 

– Tolerance to opioids can build in just a few short days 

– Withdrawal symptoms are severe and can lead to addiction 

Finding Relief Without Opioids 

There is no question that opioids are powerful painkillers. The problem is they are also highly addictive and don’t actually fix the cause of your pain. Here is how Austin, Texas can find relief without opioids. 

There is no question that opioids are powerful painkillers. The problem is they are also highly addictive and don’t actually fix the cause of your pain. But, if you’re struggling with chronic pain, you may be curious about your best care options. How can you fix the cause of your pain, find lasting relief, and avoid these harmful medications? 

You may be surprised to discover that people who saw a chiropractor for spine pain had half the risk of filling an opioid prescription than those who didn’t. It’s not just that chiropractors don’t prescribe these dangerous medications. As time passed, most people were not likely to fill an opioid prescription at all. That indicates the care provided by chiropractors helped people find enough relief that they no longer sought medications to find relief! 

  • Choosing chiropractic for spinal pain can reduce your risk of filling an opioid prescription by over 50%
  • Masking spine pain with medications can possibly increase your risk of further injury
  • Movement-based care helps your body heal and can improve your likelihood of finding long-term relief 

Science Source

What are opioids and why are they dangerous? Mayo Clinic. 2018

Impact of Chiropractic Care on Use of Prescription Opioids in Patients with Spinal Pain. 2020

Opioid Addiction. Stat Pearls. 2021

Healing the Unmet Needs of Patients Suffering from Chronic Pain. 2019

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. April 2019

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